Tuesday, September 13, 2011

I've been slacking...

I've been slacking on updating my blog but I've been busy writing my next novel.  I'm still shooting for a finish date of October 31st of this year.  Now whether it's polished or not...that is left to be determined.

However, in the meantime, I've received quite a few rejections for my short stories and two for my novel.  Oh well.  One rejection sounded hopeful, they said I could resubmit my book in six months to a year so I guess that's something.

Anyway, I did stumble across a wonderful Internet tool for anyone else trying to get a story/book published.  It's called Duotrope and it provides useful links to publishers, magazines, contests based on what genre of story they are looking for. 

Here's a link: Duotrope


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