Thursday, March 31, 2011

It feels like I'm pulling teeth...

I started working on a new novel tonight but it's based on an older idea.  It felt like I was pulling teeth just to get a few pages done.  I find that sometimes the simplest words escape my vocabulary when I'm working.  Maybe I'm trying too hard or maybe there's just a lot on my mind.

The wife is sick and not happy about it.  Not that I blame her.  It's only fun to be sick when there's someone who can wait on you and cater to your every needs.  Don't get me wrong I'd totally do that but this silly thing called "work" takes up most of my time. 

We're going to Nebraska tomorrow to help move the grandparents into a retirement home.  So that's been on my mind quite a bit.  It will be nice to see everyone but it's certainly not a vacation.  Oh well.  It feels good just writing this out here. 

Anyway, I like to include some of Kay's pictures and here's one that also relaxes me (and reminds me of the planet Endor from Star Wars).

Actually, now that I look at it, I think of that cheesy horror TV show "Tales From The Darkside".  Creepy.

Later gators!

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