Wednesday, March 5, 2014

The Little Monster (Who Didn't Like Baths)

I've stepped out into a new world with a children's book I put together.  I recently sent it out to a potential publisher, Chronicle Books.  They're the same folks who did Darth Vader and Son.  If you haven't read that book (which if you're a parent and a Star Wars fan, I'm sure you have), you should give it a read.  It's really funny.

Anyway, my story is about a little blue monster who doesn't want to take a bath.  It focuses on what kids like and what kids don't like and that it's okay to not like things but sometimes we have to do things that we don't like because they're important.  I started putting it together (and I say "putting it together" because I drew and wrote the storyboards) before PJ was born but it's definitely dedicated to him.  On that front, the little man is starting to growl just like a little monster which is ironic, don't you think?  It's quite amusing and a little creepy at times.

So wish me luck on the children's book and hopefully you'll see it on a bookshelf near you someday.  Here's some samples though to sate your appetite.

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